Arizona State University, College of Nursing and Health Innovation, Master of Healthcare Innovation (interprofessional and interdisciplinary)
Innovation and the Individual.
This course examines the role and behaviors of an innovator. Exploration of the skills and abilities required to challenge status quo positions, create a compelling vision to influence others, develop resilience / personal balance, develop an attitude supportive of risk taking, understand the psychology of work, and define optimal functioning in a world of work overload. Participants will examine and correlate different situational challenges with types of intelligence and also personal style effectiveness for advancing innovation. Students will be exposed to leadership styles of individuals who have successfully built a culture of innovation in their organizations.
Systems Thinking in a Complex Environment.
This course focuses on systems principles and their application with an emphasis on innovation. Students will examine the American healthcare system as an overall entity as well as its component parts. Important issues and questions related to different approaches to healthcare will be raised. Students will develop skills in systems assessment, designing system interventions, responding to feedback and managing resistance to system innovations.
Understanding and Applying Principles of Evidence Based Practice.
This course will develop participants’ knowledge and expertise in evidence-based practice and the use of EBP in facilitating the highest quality of healthcare delivery. Students will: develop brainstorming expertise; examine the relationship between innovation and evidence-based practice. This course will provide a model for leadership based upon empirical evidence and personal experience as well as help participants to explore and develop methods of using current evidence to “make the case” for change within healthcare systems.
Advanced Principles and Concepts of Innovation.
This course focuses on the principles of innovation that reflect the components and elements as well as application of systems theory and evidence based processes directly related to knowledge creation, generation, and utilization. Emphasis will be on developing competence in recognizing, developing, and implementing innovation processes. This course will provide an overview of theory and principal related to the process of innovation, the various methods of diffusion of innovation as well as the associated leadership, creativity, risk-taking, and vulnerability necessary to undertake the design and application of innovations. Students will examine the essential elements of the application of innovation, identify the obstacles to innovation and initiate strategies to overcome obstacles and to facilitate success. Students will discuss the application of innovation theory and methods of diffusion within different types of organizations.
Healthcare Policy and Innovation.
This course will assist participants in developing an understanding of national health policy development, key national organizations, and key strategies for making personal impact on shaping future policy. Students will examine existing private, public, federal and state policies specific to innovation and research, identify and address barriers/ support for innovation, develop skill in formulating health care reform initiatives to support and advance innovation in healthcare, and develop competence in grass roots activism and support.
Financing for Innovation.
In this course, participants will explore available public and private resources for innovation, identify future/anticipated financial needs at the national and local levels to sustain a culture supportive of innovation, and develop models for innovation financing. Topics such as cost effectiveness return on investment, net present value, and community benefit will be discussed.
Outcomes Evaluation.
This course will assist students in identifying, examining, analyzing, and measuring the infrastructure, processes and outcomes specific to the work of innovation. The course work includes integration of outcomes and key performance indicators in leading adaptive challenges.
Capstone: Final Innovation Project.
Applies the concepts learned in MHI core courses and presents evidence of knowledge in innovation principles, applications and strategies for implementation and evaluation. Students will develop an innovation project in the form of a mindmap.
IT Strategy in Healthcare.
Analyzes entrepreneurial dynamics and technology development, methods of research and development management, new technology implementation, and start-up organization.